Montanum to the west is characterised by its expansive mountain ranges. Much of Montanum is engulfed by the Miasma, while the peninsula of Porta Ignota serves as an invaluable trade hub for intrepid explorers.

Porta Ignota

Creed’s Hollow is one of the newest earthmotes to appear in Fio, falling through a ring of hellfire skew-north-west of Fundus in the year 996 PO. The Church’s ambassadors were met by a village of tiefling farmers who, until recently, had been living in seclusion in Avernus, free of Zariel’s rule. Creed’s Hollow sits atop Porta Ignota, the peninsula connected to the north-west mainland consumed by the Miasma. As such, Creed’s Hollow makes an excellent base camp for intrepid explorers of the Miasma. Creed’s Hollow enjoys healthy relations with the Church, and trades in agricultural produce native to the Nine Hells.

Altum Ocean

It is estimated that the Altum Ocean constitutes two thirds of the surface of the known world, stretching far into the uncharted regions of the Miasma. As a result, most denizens of Fio tend to have at least a rudimentary understanding of seafaring or aviation. The destruction of Mundi Eversor wrought great storms that filled the cavities left behind after the rising, leading many aquatic races to take refuge in its depths. To this day, the many shanty towns that lie beneath the ocean remain mysteriously isolated.


The largest congregation of ocean-folk in the known world has been named Abyssus by explorers that have until recently only inferred its existence. Not much is known about the underwater city, other than it lies south of Mundi Eversor, at the bottom of the Vena Trench. Expeditions to the underwater city have been beset by adversity, trying to combat the pressure of the trench’s depths and indeed its protective citizens. In 952 PO, an advanced submarine from Caelum’s Landing succeeded in capturing an image of the city from above, revealing curious illuminated domed structures like the tops of jellyfish. The submarine was subsequently attacked on its return journey by merfolk riding giant sharks. Fortunately, the crew was able to escape unharmed.