Glacialis, the frozen region to the north, suffers arctic climates that only the stalwart denizens of Nox can endure.


The third largest earthmote in Fio lies skewnorth of Fundus, at approximately half its size. Nox is a fiercly independent and somewhat impoverished city state founded by the reclusive silver dragon, Nox. Nox does not rule the earthmote with his namesake. Rather, he presides over the commune as an adviser and mentor. The snow-capped earthmote sits high enough in the sky that its denizens may live under a perpetual night sky, illuminated only by a thin blue halo of daylight and ribbons of chromatic aurora. Though Nox’s lands are vast and mountainous, only a small proportion of the earthmote is populated. Wooden longhouses strengthened against bitter winds serve as the primary homes for the citizens of Nox. When the winter equinox arrives, citizens must shelter with the silver dragon in the belly of the earthmote. The cold climate also makes cultivating the land difficult. Nox is home to many avian and draconic races, and those that prefer colder climates.