Discidium, though completely engulfed by the Miasma, can still be seen beyond the barrier to the south-west as the red glow of lava and lightning storms illuminate the purple fog. At the centre of Discidium lies the crater from which Mundi Eversor emerged 1,000 years ago.

Mundi Eversor

To the erdesouthwest, the derelict remains of the ancient colossus, Mundi Eversor, can still be seen protruding from the ocean. Above sea level, great metallic blades curve into an enormous rib cage formation, large enough to fit Fundus within. Scholars have discovered further remains in the ocean’s depths, and estimate the colossus to have been ten times the size of Fundus. The landmass is too unstable to house a settlement, but here you may find expeditions looking to further chart the expanse of Eversor’s remains, or pilgrims of wayward cults searching for enlightenment amidst the magical energies that linger there to this day.

The Miasma

The Miasma is the name of the harrowing purple fog that surrounds the known world. The Miasma extends almost 35,000 feet into the sky, washing against a cylinder of air 500 miles in diameter with Caelum’s Landing at its centre. Denizens of Nox, the highest earthmote in Fio, are able to see the vast blanket of magical fog from above, engulfing the world. Adventurers that brave the Miasma occasionally return with tales of strange stone pillars that can be activated to disperse areas of the gloom. Though the history of these pillars remains a mystery. Occasionally, migrating monsters and even rogue earthmotes can be discovered emerging from the Miasma, proving that survival is possible beyond the barrier.