Contritus, the easternmost region, is broken by the far-reaching fjords and archipelagos of the Manyshells. To the south-east, the enormous jungle earthmote of Mallia appears to drain the sea with curtains of vines that veil its shores.

The Manyshells

This archipelago of diminutive isles spans most of the eastern Altum Ocean, reaching even beyond the Miasma. The isles range from ten square miles to as little as one square mile across, broken by exponentially branching rivers of sparkling aquamarine. With no singular form of government, the Manyshells have become a reliable refuge for pirates, cultists, adrenaline junkies and other counter cultures. The largest of the isles, Raptor Island, hosts the shanty city of Anchora, surreptitiously ruled by the Confederacy of Privateers; a loose alliance of pirates, privateers and merchant crews governed by those with the largest fleets and the greatest wealth.


Erupting from the ocean to the southeast in the year 976 PO, Mallia is the second largest earthmote in Fio. This impenetrable jungle peninsula floats just above sea level, with thick vines cascading over its shores like medusan hair. The landmass continues into the Miasma, but none on the earthmote dare venture past the border. It is the home of the Mallian culture, a unification of reptilian races ruled by the greater medusan queen, Vasilissa. The queen is known to bless only the most powerful and loyal of her subjects with the very curse she bears in order to create the infamous medusan warriors that command her armies. Mallia currently stands fractured between those loyal to the queen and those who have found sanctuary in the Church of Caelum. The rainforest serves as the border between these two factions.