Calidus is the southernmost region blanketed by harsh sands, yet many varied cultures thrive here. For most, the heat is preferable to the darkened landscape beyond the Miasma, where powerful fiends are said to watch with envious eyes.


This city of sandstone is second only to Caelum’s Landing when it comes to its abundance of culture and trade. Arx’s increasing rate of growth can be attributed to more and more curious travelers discovering, contributing and advertising the wealth of food, art and community spirit the city has to offer. A frequent saying amongst the denizens of Calidus goes: “A friend made in Arx is a friend for life.” The saying may have been coined by foreign traders sharing tales of almost succumbing to Calidus’ draining environs before generous Arxmen offered them shelter. Arx’s most wealthy patron and unofficial governor of sorts is Hashim Al-Hashim, who has invested much of his fortune into developing Arx into a utopian refuge amidst the sands of Calidus.

Os Terrae

Often besieged by howling sandstorms, a portal to the elemental plane of earth marks the centre of the desolate Os Terrae region. Local Githyanki tribes call this giant sinkhole “shka’keth” meaning ass-hole.