The Commission for the Research of Offshore Worlds, affectionately called Crows, was founded by Glimback Toestubber in 899 PO. Originally known as the Explorer’s Guild, Crows has since secured government funding and its members now work to catalogue the many beasts of the Relief, research new magic, and prospect new earthmotes for colonisation. The Order of the Lantern is a clandestine sub-organisation of Blood Hunters who undergo a ritual that allows them to navigate and research the Miasma.

Notable Members

  • Glimback Toestubber Founder of the Commission.
  • Bartholomeus Fairchild Human member of the Commission, author of Barty’s Guide to Caelum’s Landing
  • Hadley Pinchbrew Halfling artificer, alchemist and portent wizard
  • Droleg the Wit Hobgoblin oath of glory paladin and bard

Order of the Lantern

Notable Members

  • Adelaide Burkhart Human chief of the Commission.
  • Corvus Secretive, masked wood elf. Arcane archer with a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Doom Punk-ish androgynous tiefling wild magic barbarian
  • Lathraia Humanoid Yuan-Ti. Former Mallian spy, member of the Order of the Lantern, liaison to the Commission.