Caelum Sol Orbis

  • Race: Male, Radiant Soul Aasimar
  • Born: 64 AO, Anfang (Caelum’s Landing)
  • Class: Oathbreaker Paladin
  • Title(s): The Ascended, Grand Paladin
  • Relationships: Prima Vita Sol Orbis (Daughter)

Caelum Sol Orbis was born an aasimar from human parentage on the 24th day of Ascendentem 64 AO in the city of Anfang, now known as Caelum’s Landing. Raised by a religious family, Caelum quickly gained renown as a paladin of Lathander. His generosity and exploits protecting Anfang justified his rise to power in the Church of Lathander. Caelum is described as being quiet and kindly but fiercely determined and dutiful. He had warm-tinted brown skin, sky-blue eyes, and is depicted sporting hair ranging from a buzz cut to short afro curls. Caelum had a distinctive silver halo on his forehead as a result of his aasimar heritage. The halo would be passed down to his daughter, Prima Vita, born on the 4th day of Niveus 22 AO, and all her descendants. The halo would become the symbol for the Church of Caelum. The first of the Church of Lathander to be given the title Grand Paladin, Caelum was tasked with protecting Anfang from the colossus Mundi Eversor on 0 AO, which would eventually lead to his ascension and the Rising.

Aura Sol Orbis

  • Race: Female, Radiant Soul Aasimar
  • Born: 964 PO, Caelum’s Landing
  • Class: Oath of Redemption Paladin
  • Title(s): Exarch, Sun of the World
  • Relationships: Ardeat Sol Orbis (Father), Spiro Sol Orbis (Brother), Sana Sol Orbis (Sister), Clara Sol Orbis (Sister)

Aura Sol Orbis was born on the 14th day of Viridis in the Oratory on Caelum’s Landing. As the first of Ardeat Sol Orbis’ four children, much of her upbringing was focused on preparing her for the day she would inevitably take over as Exarch. Though she shared a close relationship with her father, her politics would grow apart from his as she watched him perpetuate the Medusae Wars and the Church’s expansionist practices. Aura has warm-tinted brown skin and sky-blue eyes much like her father, and sports a long afro gathered into a high ponytail. She and her siblings bare the silver Sol Orbis halo on their foreheads. Those who are granted audience with Aura see her as a kind and understanding soul, while those closest to her know her to be solemn and somewhat lonesome. Following the natural death of her father, Aura was heralded as the new Exarch in a grand coronation on the 11th day of Flavum. Accepting her crown, Aura took her chosen oath of redemption as a paladin of the Church, swearing to right the wrongs of the Medusae Wars and help those affected reintegrate into society. She would go on to declare her brother, Spiro, Grand Paladin, and her sisters, Sana and Clara, Prefects of Tenebrae’s Refuge and Madanau respectively.

Spiro Sol Orbis

Grand Paladin, Prefect of Ingenium.

Sana Sol Orbis

Prefect of Madanau.

Clara Sol Orbis

Prefect of Tenebrae’s Refuge, member of the Commission.

  • Prima Vita Sol Orbis Caelum’s Daughter.
  • Rex Sol Orbis Exarch who signed the Fundus Constitution (516 PO).
  • Manus Sol Orbis Exarch during the moving of Ingenium (756 PO).
  • Ardeat Sol Orbis Former Exarch, father of Aura, Spiro, Sana and Clara. Died 986 PO.